Secure Care UK are specialist providers of care for mental health patients who need relocating to new hospitals, or need to be taken to an external appointment. We are recruiting in all of our bases across the UK (in Havant, Birmingham, Leeds, West Sussex, Sussex, Bristol, Marlborough and Lincoln)
We work for NHS Trusts, CCGs and private care groups. A significant part of our work includes collaborating with the police and local authorities for crisis patients who have been sectioned, as well as providing ward assistance and observation services in mental health wards or places of safety.
Most transfers require minimal specialist intervention from our team, but sometimes the role can be physically demanding, requiring strong team skills and trust in your colleagues. Specific training is provided to help deal with patients who display challenging behaviour.
We work exclusively for the mental health sector undertaking over 8000 patient care episodes each year, making sure our patients are treated with utmost dignity and respect. Caring for vulnerable patients requires a high level of compliance and accurate reporting, and we use this to both assure our customers of our high quality standards as well as improve the level of care to our service users.
Our control room operates 24×7 and ensures we have colleagues available to serve our clients and service users at any time of the day or night.