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We understand we don’t always get things right every time and sometimes customers will feel it necessary to complain. We take every complaint very seriously and will investigate, resolve and report back to customers if our service has not met our usual high standards.
On this page we have provided contact details should you wish to make a complaint, details of our complaints process as well as other helpful information about timings and the regulatory bodies that oversee our complaints process.
How to Make a Complaint:
We deal with all customer complaints in a fair and prompt way. Complaints can be made verbally or in writing, via telephone, email or post. We find most complaints can be resolved by speaking directly to the team responsible.
To raise a complaint with us please:
Call us on: 0203 598 5938 or email us at: [email protected]
Or contact us using the form above.
Or write to:
The Compliance Team,
Secure Care UK Limited,
Unit 1, Cubitt Way,
St Leonard’s on sea,
East Sussex,
TN38 9SU
Standard Complaints Process:
We will contact you within five working days of receiving your complaint to confirm receipt and inform you of the action we plan to take. We will try to resolve the problem and provide an answer within four weeks. In some cases it may take us more than four weeks – but we will advise you of any further time we require – and you will receive a full and final response within eight weeks of the original complaint being made.
Escalating a Complaint:
If you are not satisfied with our investigation and final response to your complaint you may be able to refer the matter to an appropriate regulator or industry body (CQC). Within our final response to your complaint we will advise you how to contact the Care Quality Commission. The CQC are the responsible body for overseeing and reviewing different elements of our service.
Complaints are often complex, but it should be escalated to the body most suited to considering the most significant element of your complaint. You may use the options below to identify the correct escalation process. If you are still uncertain about who to contact, please call us directly for assistance.